Thursday, September 21, 2017

Mata Brahmacharini

Mata Brahmacharini is worshipped on the second day of Navratri(the nine divine nights of Navadurga).

 Maa Brahmacharini is depicted as walking on the bare feet and having two hands.
The goddess Brahmacharini wears a white saree with light orange shaded border and rudraksha as an ornament, holding Kamandal in one hand and also Rosary in the other.

The appearance of goddess Brahmacharini is quiet and absorbed in meditation and she also signifies love and loyalty, wisdom and knowledge. She is a unique blend of radiance who can be seen performing rigorous austerity and meditation. The effect of rigorous austerity can be seen on her face which highlights all the three worlds. So Bright Solar radiations behind her head glorify her lusture.

According to different versions of her myths, maiden Parvati resolves to marry Shiva.Rishi Narad advises her  to follow customs and rituals of rigid Tapasya of long eras in order to obtain Lord Shiva as her divine consort. Her parents learn of her desire, discourage her, but she pursues what she wants and did Tap for about 5000 years. She performed hard austerity and due to which She was called Brahmacharini.

It is stated that during her penance to get Lord Shiva as her husband She spent 1000 years on the diet of flowers and fruits and another 100 years on the diet on leafy vegetables while sleeping on the floor.

Further She followed strict fasting regimen while staying at open place in scorching summers, harsh winters and stormy rains. According to Hindu mythologies She was on diet of Bilva leaves for 3000 years while She prayed to Lord Shankar. Later She even stopped eating Bilva leaves and continued her penance without any food and water. She was known as Aparna when She left eating Bilva leaves.

Ultimately Lord Brahma addressed her and blessed her that she will decidedly get Lord Shiva as her divine consort.

In mean time Gods approached god Kamadeva - the Hindu god of desire, erotic love, attraction and affection and asks him to generate desire in Shiva for Parvati. They did this because of an asura named Tarkasur who gained the boon of being killed by only Lord Shiva's child. Kama reaches Shiva and shoots an arrow of desire. Shiva opens his third eye in his forehead and burns the cupid Kama to ashes. Parvati does not lose her hope or her resolve to win over Shiva. She begins to live in mountains like Shiva, engage in the same activities as Shiva, one of asceticism, yogin and tapas - it is this aspect of Parvati that is deemed to be that of goddess Brahmacharini. Her ascetic pursuit draws the attention of Shiva and awakens his interest. He meets her in disguised form, tries to discourage her, telling her Shiva's weaknesses and personality problems. Parvati refuses to listen and insists in her resolve. Shiva finally accepts her and they get married.

Goddess Brahmacharini is extremely radiant and majestic. Her appearance is quiet and absorbed in meditation. Brahmacharini address ‘Brahma’ (penance) and “Charini” (female follower/ devotee) as a result, she is the symbol of Goddess who performs Tapa or hard penance. So, she is also known as Devi Tapaswani and Devi Yogi. It is also believed  that goddess Durga resides on earth during nine days of Navratri as a result second day of Navratri is an auspicious time for penance and austerity. The person who do fast and chant mantras with full devotion during the second day, Devi blesses him with success, wisdom and knowledge.

Significance of worshiping Maa Brahmacharini

People worship her on the second day of the Navratri to acquire the ability for abstaining food and water while performing the penance during Navratri. It is a myth that with her blessing, one can fast for nine consecutive days during Navratri without affecting the health and one can gain the virtues for facing the challenges of mortal life with sheer determination.

Brahmacharini Durga is capable of providing unending benefits. By worshiping her the person inculcates penancing, renouncing, dispassion, ethical conduct and restraint in himself.
So by the grace of mother Brahmacharini he gets success and victory always and everywhere.
This way the mind of the striver moving upward, establishes in Swadhisthana Chakra. The Yogi, who makes his mind stay in this Chakra gets the devotion and blessings of the Goddess.

It is believed that Lord Mangal, the provider of all fortunes, is governed by Goddess Brahmacharini.

Process to worship Maa Brahmacharini

Sit in the lotus position and also recite the mantra  “om durgaaye namaha” for at least 11 times.
Offer a pair of cloves and honey in betel leaves to Goddess Brahmacharini and also donate milk in  a glass.

Give some food including rice to poor pre-pubescent girls who are below the age of 8 years.
Wear white or yellow clothing for the prayer to Maa and meditate to Maa. You will get knowledge, respect, and a peace of mind. Concentrate on the swadhisthaan chakra. It will help you get rid of negativity through the vibrations coming through this meditation.

Use various dishes made of sugar as Prasad because on this day peoples offer the sugar to the goddess Brahmacharini. Use garlands made of hibiscus and lotus flowers  as they are also considered ideal to worship goddess Brahmacharini.

Offer Sugar and fruits  as Bhog to Goddess Brahmacharini on the second day of Navratri. People believe that it  increases the longevity of the family members and also increases love between people.

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