Sunday, September 24, 2017

Maa Kushmanda

Kushmanda is worshiped on the fourth day of the festival of Navratri (nine nights of Navadurga) and as the consort of Shiva. She is believed to improve health and bestow wealth and strength.

Kushmanda is a Hindu goddess, credited with creating the world with her divine smile. Followers of the Kalikula tradition believe her to be the fourth form of the Hindu goddess Durga. Her name signals her main role: Ku means "a little", Ushma means "warmth" or "energy" and Anda means "cosmic egg".

Kushmanda is depicted with eight hands holding a trident, discus, sword, hook, mace, bow, arrow and two jars of honey and blood. Her one hand is always on abhayamudra from which she blesses all her devotees. She rides on a tiger.

When the universe was non-existent and darkness prevailed everywhere, Maa Kushmanda produced the Cosmic egg with her smile, bringing light to the universe. Kushmanda has the power and strength to live in the core of Sun. Her luminosity gives the Sun its brightness. She is said to give directions to the Sun God, Surya.

Origin Of Goddess Kushmanda

According to the Durga Saptshati, Goddess Kushmanda created the universe. She is the one who controls the functioning of the solar system. She is the one who existed when there was nothing except darkness. Then She smiled and the universe was created, illuminated with light.
The core of the Sun is believed to be the residence of Goddess Kushmanda. She is the one who provides the energy to the Sun to shine and emit light to the universe. All the directions get illuminated by Her divine smile including the Sun itself. Goddess Kushmanda is depicted as an eight armed Goddess. In Her seven hands She holds a kamandalu, bow, arrow, lotus, a jar of nectar, mace and a discus. In Her eighth hand, She holds a rosary which has all the eight Siddhis and nine Niddhis. She rides a lion which represents 'Dharma'.

It is believed that if one worships Devi Kushmanda on the fourth day of Navratri, he/she is blessed with good health, prosperity, fame and strength. The rituals of worshipping the Goddess are elaborate. The worship begins with the worshipping of the Kalash. All the other Gods and Goddesses are invited to the Kalash. Then the puja begins by chanting the mantra of the Devi. The Goddess also loves the sacrifice of a pumpkin. Hence, sacrificing pumpkin in front of the Goddess is a crucial ritual of the fourth day.

Maa Kushmanda represents Anahata Chakra in spiritual practice. The divine blessings of Maa Kushmanda helps you improve your health and wealth. She removes all the hurdles and troubles from your life and enables you to get rid of all sorts sorrows in life. Maa brings light into darkness and establishes harmony in your life.

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