Monday, June 12, 2017

Bhadra Maruti Temple

Bhadra Maruti Temple is famous temple dedicated to Lord Hanuman ji in Khuldabad village, Aurangabad district near Ellora Caves (4 kms). This is the rare temples where idol of Lord Hanuman is portrayed in a sleeping posture. It is one among the three temples where the idol of Lord Hanuman is found in sleeping posture; the other two temples are located in Allahabad and Madhya Pradesh.


There are several stories attached to the temple. One legend states that during the era of Ramayana when Lord Hanuman set to get Sanjeevani booti for Lakshmana, this is the place where he rested for some time and graced it with his presence. This is the reason why the idol in the temple is in a reclining position.

Another legend, It is said that the ruler of the region Bhadrasena, a devotee of Sri Rama, used to sing songs in praise of the Lord Rama. These songs attracted the attention of Hanuman, who came here and on the request of the king, resided in the temple for devotees.

Yatra yatra raghunatha keerthanam, thathra thathra krithamstha kanchalim. No wonder that Sri Hanumanji – a pure Rambakth - was attracted by the sweet and melodious voice with which King Bhadrasena was singing in praise of Sri Rama. He followed the voice and descended on Bhadravati kshetra. He found Sri Bhadrasena singing those melodies, out of devotion from the bottom of his heart. Sri Hanuman was absolutely thrilled by the song, and was wonder struck at the Rama bhakti of the singer. The singing had its effect on the entire region. The birds will stop flying and listen to the mesmerising songs. The branches of trees will not move and will also listen to the song. As Sri Maruti was listening to the song for a long time, he without his knowledge took a reclining posture called ‘BhAvasamadhi’ [BhAvasamadhi is a yogic posture]. When Rajarishi Bhadrasena slowly came out of the trance –during which he was one with Sri Rama - he realised that Sri Hanuman was near him in ‘BhAvaSamadhi’. Rajarishi Bhadrasena was taken a back when he saw Sri Maruti in close quarters. He fell at the feet of the Lord Maruti with all reverence, he asked him to bless the site with his presence. Sri Hanumanji blessed the Rajarishi Bhadrasena and as per the wishes of Raja the Lord Sri Hanumanji even today is seen in ‘BhAvaSamadhi’ blessing the devotees with all Mangalam.

The temple is constructed with white marble and the idol of the sleeping Hanuman is placed in the centre. There are special offerings done at the Bhadra Maruti Temple on Saturdays. A Bhadra Maruti Pond is also situated near the temple.

Every year the holy site is flocked by a number of Hanuman devotees from all across the country majorly during Ram Navmi and Hanuman Jayanti.

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हनुमान मंदिर, कनॉट प्लेस

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