Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Ahobilam Devasthanam (Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swamy)

This temple is located in Ahobilam village, Allagadda municipality of Karnool district, Andhra Pradesh is one of the main holy places for Lord Narasimha. According to some Puranas it is the location where Lord Narasimha blessed Bhakta Prahlada and killed the demon Hiranyakashipu.

Ahobilam Narasimha Temple is the main temple and earliest among all the nine temples. Ahobilam Narasimha Temple is situated on the Upper Ahobilam at a distance of 8km from Lower Ahobilam. The mythology says that Lord Vishnu appeared to the Devas as half-lion and half-man, one of the incarnation of Lord Vishnu. By seeing Narasimha avatar of Lord Vishnu, the Devas is said to be shouted saying Ahobala (great strength) and Ahobila (the cave where the current sanctum is located). And hence, this place is called as Ahobalam or Ahobilam. Nine temples are dedicated to ‘Lord Narasimha’ (one of the ten incarnations of ‘Lord Vishnu’) which is called as Nava Narasimha temples and also situated at Ahobilam.

Presiding deity of this temple is believed to be ‘svayambu’ (self-formed) and worshipped as ‘Lord Ahobila Narasimha Swamy’ and also called as ‘Ugra Narasimha’ because He appears here in His fierce aspect. The Goddess found in this temple is Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Senjulakshmi. Ahobilam Narasimha Temple present a magnificent stone art and the entire history of Ahobilam temple has been sculptured there in stone form. The temple complex also locates the shrine of Adivan Sathagopulu.

The sculptures of investiture of Lord Srirama, the ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu, images of the poet Annam Acharya, who praised Lord Narasimha with his songs, are also sculptured on the walls of the temple. And it is also said that Pothuluri Veerabrahmendra Swamy, the great sage have meditated at this place to write Kalagnana, the knowledge of future. The Vimanam (tower above the sanctum sanctorum) of Ahobilam Narasimha Temple is called as Guhai Vimanam and the Pushkarani (temple tank) of this temple are Pavanasini, Bhargava, Indra, Nrisimha and Gaja Pushkarani.

Additional information on http://mandirinfo.com/TempleDetails.aspx?HID=267

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हनुमान मंदिर, कनॉट प्लेस

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