Thursday, April 13, 2017

Sri Kurmanadha Temple (Lord Vishnu)

The temple is dedicated to Sri Kurmanatha, the second avatar of Lord Vishnu, Kurma Avatar.
Srikurmam village is at a distance of roughly 14.5 kilometres from the Srikakulam town. The Vishnu temple, Srikurmam is an eminent pilgrim shrine which boasts of state of the art kind of an architectural style. It consists of several inscriptions engraved during the historical period from eleventh century to nineteenth century AD depicting about the decree of numerous dynasties who claimed throne in the region.

To protect this temple from the foreign invaders during 14th – 15th centuries , like in many temples in south india,the priests applied lime stone mix on the entire temple complex and camouflaged as a hillock. the solidified limestone layers are still being peeled off now , and the same are visible even today on the temple walls. This ancient shrine is believed to be prior to the golden era of Sri Rama (raama raajyam). While the shrine is said to be more than a few million years old, outer structures were reconstructed many a time – after dilapidation of previous one , and the latest temple structure is more than 700 years old.

Legend says that during kruta yuga, a pious king – sweta maharaja , observed fierce penance for many years. Fulfilling his wish, lord vishnu manifested (swayambhu) here in the form of kurma avataar. Lord Brahma, the creator of universe, himself officiated the celestial rituals and consecrated the shrine with Gopaala yantra. Sweta pushkarini (the lake in front of the temple) is formed by the Sudarshan Chakra. Sri Mahaa Laxmi (the consort of Lord Vishnu), emanated from this lake and is adored in the name of Sri Kurma Naayaki, in varadaa mudra posture seated on Garuda vaahana.

Sri kurmam shrine is believed to be the “Moksha Sthaanam” and the sweta pushkarini has cosmic cleansing powers. so, like in varanasi, people perform the last rites of the deceased and drop (nimajjan) the asthikaas (ashes) in it, which eventually metamorphose into saalagraamaas (divine stones). even mother Ganga takes a bath in this lake every year on maagha shudha chavithi (around February) to cleanse herself of all the sins left by the devotees. The unique stones on the floor in the pradakshina mandapam (circum-ambulatory passage) are said to infuse magnetic energy into the devotees through their feet. Many great people and holy sages offered their prayers in this shrine including, Lava and Kusha(sons of Sri Rama), Balarama (brother of Sri Krishna).

The village gets heavily besieged during the festival of Dolostavam as more than 40,000 pilgrims flood the region.

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